Monday, October 5, 2009

A New Chapter

Here I am! As of right now all my stuff is still in the truck, we're waiting for it to warm up a bit. 37 degrees at 930 in the morning is a little cold to be outside in for very long. That and my brother has yet to emerge.

Once I get settled in I expect to begin the job hunt and I pray that something comes my way. To be earning any kind of wage right now would be a blessing.

I'm also excited about checking out Living Stones next week; I received an email from the worship director about their need for qualified techs so we'll see where that leads. It's a step into getting connected to another church community. Although none can replace Mariners, I know this is where God is leading me to go and it gives me an opportunity to make the right kind of friends.

It's weird that I'm not going to see my friends on a weekly basis as I have for a few years now. Not being able to go to Drive (btw, they don't have anything like it here) & see them or line dancing or just getting together for a movie night or game night. Or volunteer with the HS ministry and all their craziness.

Reality is setting in and I have to admit, it's a little scary. Though it is clear that this is just a new chapter in my life, just when I thought I was getting settled God had other plans. Another stage of life, most people are getting married and making those life changes but I moved away from everything I've ever known, to a mountain resort area. The part of Reno I live in reminds me of Mammoth, very small town sort of place. I'll try to take some pictures later on and post them so you can see where I am. The house I'm living in is nice enough with a big backyard, and I can't wait for my brother to move out so I can take over his enormous room. ;) 3 weeks to go.

I miss the OC already and I can't wait to visit. Please pray that I get a job soon so I can plan for a trip and maybe I can make it down before Christmas. Or a belated birthday celebration. (I'm turning 30 this year and I really want to celebrate with you guys.) :)

TTFN my friends.

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