Friday, December 4, 2009

Culture Clash

I am a Southern Californian living in Northern's a different world. My parents are already considering themselves Nevadans and I dread going to the DMV to register my car and give up my CA license plate and driver's license. I'm clinging to some semblance of my heritage, but that doesn't matter too much because I am an outsider.

I'm a forward thinker, my mind is way more open than those that surround me. Some of my friends here can't ever imagine living anywhere else and don't have much desire to explore the world. Really?!

Lately, all I can think about is everything I miss about Orange County. Just the accessibility of everything, more than 1 store brand or restaurant within a 50 mile radius. More things to do than go out to a casino or the local Cineplex. More life, more opportunities...I am so spoiled.
My family loves it here and I know that I am not meant to stay here. I'm here for a reason, God brought me here for a purpose and I'm beginning to catch glimpses of it. Whether I return to the OC or move on to somewhere else is still up in the air, but I still believe that God doesn't want me to settle down yet.

I never went away to college, or been on an extended missions trip but I believe that's what my being here is like. This is a training ground, God is using this time in my life to mold me more into what he wants me to be and who he wants me to be, how he wants me to further his kingdom.
I'm learning a lot about the different types of people and the different views that exist in the world and within the Church.

I took a huge blow when after a service one night I was talking to a friend about books and asked him if he ever read "The Shack" he said no and I asked him why not and he said, "Because it's heresy." I was shocked and angered, I began defending this book that I'd come to love so dearly this man whom I'd met and heard speak numerous times. How could something so beautiful be heresy?! My friend had never read it and refused to investigate for himself, choosing just to take the word of his pastor and other "sources". That sort of close-mindedness infuriates me, I believe everyone should have an understanding about what they are arguing over or else say nothing. So the book may not be sound according to Scripture the book was written from the heart about the heart and is FICTION! It's not gospel but it opens people up to the idea of the gospel and gets them to ask questions about who God is and what he did for us and how he loves and longs for a relationship with us. How can that be so WRONG?!

So on that I cannot agree and will not, but maybe that's another reason for me being here; not only to challenge my personal beliefs but to challenge others to see the world differently.

More and more often I'm asking myself what I want to do, what career path should I choose? I love working in ministry and in production; if I could get paid doing that I would be stoked. What sort of education would help me get there? Or should I choose another field and stick to volunteering? Please keep these things in prayer for me, starting on a new chapter and a new journey is difficult and I've only just taken the first steps.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Light at the End of the Tunnel...

I have been living in Reno for a whole month. This is very hard to believe as some days I wake up still expecting to walk outside and see Irvine. My body is still adjusting to the altitude I think, as my stomach has not been too happy with me lately. So other than a few minor complaints I'm beginning to adapt.

First, I have to say that I am LOVING Living Stones church. I am a real fan of their worship band, Zimmerman. (Yes Jared, your buddy Aaron's band.) Seriously, you all need to check them out! The closest I could come to their sound is if Kings of Leon and The Fray merged to sing about Jesus. Though neither really do Donald justice in regards to his voice. Check 'em out on facebook as well; my favorite is "After the Fade" and "Battles & Waters", but B&W hasn't been released yet. He just played it recently at a gathering.

The worship though is only part of it; the teaching by Pastors Harvey and Danny are encouraging and thought provoking. Living Stones revolves around expository teaching; or teaching directly from the Word. These guys have a real gift for making scripture applicable to our lives and they know how to speak to their audience. The biggest shock to me is the size of the community; Mariners boasted around 12,000 members and Living Stones has 1200. Just 10% the size of Mariners; of course this church is only just beginning. On December 6th, they're going to break away from Grace Church in Reno to plant themselves as their own. This is a really exciting time and I get to be a part of it. Thanks in part to Jared Kirkwood for getting me connected with the leadership team there I get to step in and assist with the production of the worship gatherings. It's a whole other animal, starting from the ground up but that's also what makes it so exciting!

The community at Living Stones has been very welcoming. Most of the people I've met have lived up here their whole lives, so it's definitely interesting to hear the differences in our cultures. Some things that we don't really think about in the OC are really focused on up here. For example, I was invited to join some peeps from LS at a local Sports Bar & Grill after a service and one of them came up to me and asked "Do Christians in Southern California drink?" This question surprised me, but apparently some churches in NorCal are strictly against drinking ANY alcohol. Obviously, things in moderation are ok but apparently the church he grew up in here was against it, so he wanted to ask me what it was like back home. I had to smile a little at the difference; it never occurred to me that drinking might be a faux pas. (Just to clarify, Living Stones is not one of those churches.)

I'm really enjoying my small group and through them I'm getting to know other people at the church. I even attended a Halloween party! The more people I meet the more comfortable I feel. Now that I'm starting a new job I know that this is indeed a new beginning and I'm starting to see the path that God wants me on.

It's already become clear to me that God is using me as a motivation for my family. My brother now attends church with me and we have weekly family meetings. My mom and I are striving to be healthier and I am so happy to say that she hasn't had a cigarette since I've been here. I'm even beginning to wean them off of sodas, which is all my parents have had to drink for most of my life. The light is starting to shine through and it's getting a little easier to trust in Him. Thank you God for the blessing I have at seeing your hand moving in my life.

The weather is getting colder and snow is threatening to start falling around Thanksgiving. My brother is heading up to Truckee this weekend and the resort is hoping to open before Thanksgiving weekend. So I get to move into a bedroom!! YAY! Happy Birthday to me!!

I miss you all back home! Don't be a stranger and give me a call sometime. I hope to visit early next year. Love you!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

A New Chapter

Here I am! As of right now all my stuff is still in the truck, we're waiting for it to warm up a bit. 37 degrees at 930 in the morning is a little cold to be outside in for very long. That and my brother has yet to emerge.

Once I get settled in I expect to begin the job hunt and I pray that something comes my way. To be earning any kind of wage right now would be a blessing.

I'm also excited about checking out Living Stones next week; I received an email from the worship director about their need for qualified techs so we'll see where that leads. It's a step into getting connected to another church community. Although none can replace Mariners, I know this is where God is leading me to go and it gives me an opportunity to make the right kind of friends.

It's weird that I'm not going to see my friends on a weekly basis as I have for a few years now. Not being able to go to Drive (btw, they don't have anything like it here) & see them or line dancing or just getting together for a movie night or game night. Or volunteer with the HS ministry and all their craziness.

Reality is setting in and I have to admit, it's a little scary. Though it is clear that this is just a new chapter in my life, just when I thought I was getting settled God had other plans. Another stage of life, most people are getting married and making those life changes but I moved away from everything I've ever known, to a mountain resort area. The part of Reno I live in reminds me of Mammoth, very small town sort of place. I'll try to take some pictures later on and post them so you can see where I am. The house I'm living in is nice enough with a big backyard, and I can't wait for my brother to move out so I can take over his enormous room. ;) 3 weeks to go.

I miss the OC already and I can't wait to visit. Please pray that I get a job soon so I can plan for a trip and maybe I can make it down before Christmas. Or a belated birthday celebration. (I'm turning 30 this year and I really want to celebrate with you guys.) :)

TTFN my friends.

Monday, September 28, 2009

What a week!

Well who doesn't really?! Whenever you move it's an opportunity to go through all your junk and decide what's worth keeping and what isn't. It seems you always throw out a lot more stuff and then you realize you have even more stuff than when you moved in. Then your room become littered with boxes until you have barely enough space to walk.

So... I decided to fore go most of the packing until later on this week, simply because I have no place to put my stuff. Then on Friday I can stack it all in the garage ready to load on the truck on Saturday morning, because quite honestly, I hate packing!

Now that I have vented I can finally relax and get ready for all the events I have going on this week. Tomorrow I am getting my hair done, thank you Krystina, which will really help with the job hunt, etc. when I get to Reno. Wednesday I am headed back to the Disneyland Resort to meet up with my lovely friend Cynthia and make it into DCA for a final run as a CA resident. (Didn't make it there on Friday so I'm happy to go back.) Also on Wednesday is my last 747 as a volunteer for the High School Ministry. So so sad but it should be a lot of fun, and I get to dress like a Pirate. Arrrrgh! Thursday is lunch & dinner with friends, along with the dreaded packing, followed by Drive. Friday my mom comes into town and we organize things in the garage getting ready to load before Saturday morning I move out and my dad arrives in town then it's check into the hotel and one more service at Mariners before and early turn in and an early rise to get on the road to Nevada. Whew!

It is absolutely crazy to look back and see how all this has come about. I know that God is good and he has a plan for me in Reno, even though I don't know what that plan is. I'm starting to become more and more excited, it will be good to be with my family again but the sooner I can get back on my feet and into my own place the better. I'm really looking forward to checking out Living Stones @ Grace Church. The teaching sounds really good and apparently they could use some help in the tech department which would be a great way to get me plugged into a community. There is so much potential for me to grow there and to meet all kinds of people. It's a new beginning.

I love living in Orange County, but God has other plans for me. By fully relocating me I am leaving all that I was behind me and I can truly embrace the new creation that I am in Christ, without the constant reminders of my past. That in and of itself is a huge blessing.

Things I'll miss about California:

The Beach
Tim Timmons Worship
Kenton Beshore's Interactive Sermons
Country Line Dancing at TJ's
KTLA Morning News (the only news I really watch)
Dodgers Baseball w/ Vin Scully
Mariners High School Ministry Staff ~ Jared, Maguire, Lukei, G; thank you guys for an awesome time and allowing me to really use my gifts, you all will never be far from my thoughts.

Of course... all my friends. Growing up I was never popular, I was always an outsider, a loner, I had a few friends but never as many as I have now. I thank God for you all and I look forward to seeing you again real soon. I love you!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's Official

Today was decision day, September 1st, if I hadn't found a job by today I would be moving to Reno. Even though I've already made this decision I just thought I'd take a minute to reflect on how I came to it.

Over the past couple years God has really opened my eyes to the work he's been doing in my life. I've seen miraculous blessings and proof of his Grace and Love for his children. He's provided for me in my distress and shown me his truth.

It became clear to me a couple weeks ago that God was closing doors for me here. The sheer absence of God's favor was proof enough for me to make the decision to move on. God has been stretching me and molding me into taking bigger steps of faith, to move away from where I'm comfortable and reach his kingdom.

I have to thank my first small group which encouraged me to step outside my comfort zone and get involved at church. Those beautiful women helped me to see how God sees me, and in part because of them I began to volunteer at Fuel, first with Pipeline then with tech. Then a few years later God called me again to step outside my comfort zone and volunteer with students. I was SO freaked out, I didn't have the best time in school I wasn't sure I could really be of any use. Now I wish I didn't have to leave them.

Being uncomfortable is where God wants us to be when we try something new, because then we're not leaning on ourselves but on him. When we are fully reliant on him, he does incredible works. The apostles didn't exactly leave of life of leisure, they were in some of the worst situations of their lives and they still leaned on God because they knew there was a reason for it and they believed they were right where God wanted them to be and when the time came for them to move on they would and go willingly.

I am being called to leave what has been my permanent comfort zone, but like when God called Abraham I'd only be in more pain if I stayed than if I went. This is a new adventure, a real chance to make a brand new start and to take all I've learned here and apply to a new life. I get to start from here, all I know, all I believe; I am blessed with the opportunity to take that with me and share it with those that may not know it yet. Thanks to all of you who have helped me along the way. This blog is to let you know how God is using me up there. I'm excited and I'm sad to leave, but I know that God has great things in store for me.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Things to do before I move...

Hey there!

So wow! This is my first blog EVER! Can you believe that? I figured I better start one now since a lot is going to be happening in my life and I won't be able to see you all every week as I used to. Sad face. :(

Anyways... this is just an introduction and I'm letting you guys know I will do my best to keep this up and let you know how I'm doing once I reach Northern Nevada, and what events are happening.

I still have a lot I want to do before I leave California and with September creeping up on me I've got to start planning. So! If any of you want to be a part of this please let me know and we'll start planning!

Please note these are in no particular order...

- Go to the Smoke House restaurant in Burbank and get some Garlic Cheese Bread.

- Spend a whole day at the Disneyland Resort riding my favorite attractions.

- Go to the beach. (I will greatly miss the ocean.)

- Eat at Mario's in Newport. (Best grilled chicken salad ever!)

That's all I can think of at the moment... more to come I'm sure. I still have 35 days left here as a local. Any suggestions?